Cardiac Conditions
Children's Heart Federation
Children's Heart Federation Website
A range of information sheets on children heart conditions and caring for a child with a heart condition.
Pumping Marvellous
Pumping Marvellous Website
A heart failure charity website suitable for young people with lots of good resources on a range of topics around heart failure.
British Heart Foundation - Children and Young People
British Heart Foundation Website
Information, resources and support groups to help a young person with a heart condition. Explore condition factsheets, lifestyle advice and opportunities to connect with other young people.
BHF - Caring for a child with heart disease
BHF - Caring for a child with heart disease
Lots of information and advice to support you caring for your child with a heart or circulatory condition, including both medical and practical issues.
Heartline Families
Heartline Families Website
Heartline offers support and information to children with heart disorders and their families, whatever the condition, wherever it is treated.
CHUF - The Children's Heart Unit Fund
The Children's Heart Unit Fund Website
CHUF supports children and families who receive treatment at the Children’s Heart Unit based at the Freeman Hospital and the many other hospitals providing care for cardiac patients throughout the North of England.
Together for Short Lives
Together for Short Lives Website
Together for Short Lives is the ‘leading’ UK charity for all children with life-threatening and life-limiting conditions and all those who support, love and care for them. They support families, professionals and services, including children’s hospices.
Little Hearts Matter - A list of other places to seek support
Little Hearts Matter Website
A list of many other organisations and support services, in particular those that might be closer to home for you or specialist support services.
Free downloadable mended little heart guide (For Parent of Child with Cardiac Problems)
Free downloadable mended little heart guide
Mended Little Hearts provides educational resources to give families and patients information they need to make important decisions and to care for their child in the hospital and at home.
Sammy's Heart Operation Free Download Resource (For Child with Cardiac Problem)
Sammy's Heart Operation Free Download Resource
Sammy’s heart operation is a new resource for 7 – 11s who are having heart surgery. Designed to be used with a play specialist in a therapy session or at home with the family, the book tells the story of Sammy and his experience from pre op to after surgery. The book helps the reader understand the people they will meet in hospital, the tests they will have, what will happen on the wards and when they can go home.