Other Paediatric Health Conditions (e.g. Persistent Pain, Chronic Fatigue, ME)
Pain Bytes Website/ Videos
This is a useful website for young people experiencing pain, to aid self-management in partnership with your healthcare team. It includes 7 video episodes on topics such as pain and physical activity, pain and feelings, pain and school, and pain and family.
The 'My Pain Toolkit' is a simple guide that gives some handy tips and skills to help you to understand and manage pain better
An informative leaflet that will be useful for any young person diagnosed with CFS/ME - in particular anyone who has been recently diagnosed. Answers many common questions that young people may have, as well as giving some top tips for management of symptoms.
This booklet is for parents and families of children diagnosed with ME. It was developed by Action for M.E. and the Association of Young People with M.E. with parents of children with M.E./CFS, doctors and other professionals, to provide information on M.E./CFS and to share ways of coping.
Support for common symptoms of CFS ME
This resource outlines common symptoms of CFS/ME, do's and dont's when managing symptoms, and what/who might help.